The pattern may be similar throughout Africa, and testing is beginning to find out. They don't hazard any guesses as to why so few Kenyans are getting sick or dying from this virus but I have one. If you simply look at the photograph of two children in the article, and then compare that with a photograph of two children of the same age in the U.S. the difference is striking. People there are lean, they are not overfed. Here we snack ourselves into metabolic problems, and dine our way to fatty livers, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and a host of problems that all impact our ability to fight of contagion. In other words the average skinny African kid is probably a whole lot healthier and the average padded American kid, and I suspect the adults show the same pattern. Not many are repeating it but obesity is one of the biggest risk factors for a bad covid outcome, and here in America we're big.